Jonathan Alter speaks to Keith Olbermann about the impact of YouTube on the modern political John McCain's expense. Enjoy.

Jonathan Alter speaks to Keith Olbermann about the impact of YouTube on the modern political John McCain's expense. Enjoy.
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Mike Plugh
5:36 AM
"It's a time warp thing" hahhahaha, That's fantastic. Well, um, fantastiv in some ways but not others... I used to have this reaction to stupid things GWB said before he stole the Presidency.
I feel like the GOP is throwing out this comedic characters (old ole' boy President, crazy dying hunter VP, and older than dirt Mc-nominee) to distract from the fact that no one wants a Repub in office again.
If McCain wins this election I will never laugh again.
Great minds think alike, Mike - I put a little write-up about Jonatham Alter said to Olbermann, in my New New Media book, a few minutes after Olbermann said it...
One slight thing Alter had wrong - not just the election of 2000, but the election of 2004 was pre-YouTube effect.
I can't wait to read your book. My thesis is coming along, and I'll run it by you before too long. I think some of it will be interesting to you.
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